Thursday, 18 April 2024


[TREBLE (Phil)] Tints. Bishop Burton: Muttons & Nuts, 2024. [One of 20 copies printed]. 8vo. 208 x 130 mm. Pp. [16]. Cloth. New. £100 SOLD

‘For me, mixing small quantities of ink for relief printing has often produced inconsistent tints across print runs, and I end up wasting time and resources. This is a book showing a selection of eight ink colours, from Hawthorn Printmaker Supplies, and how to tint them using weighed-out ink in ratios of transparent white to base colour. I originally intended this to be a reference for myself but thought I would offer a few copies to others. The ratios shown are base colour, 3/1, 10/1, 30/1, 100/1 and 200/1. The sixteen page book is printed letterpress in 8 and 11pt Monotype Grotesque with 36pt square border units and bound in white Windsor book cloth with a letterpress printed title from laser engraved MDF in a split fountain gradient.’ (From the printer’s website)

Friday, 12 April 2024

WOLPE (Berthold) Some book decorations by Berthold Wolpe. Oxford: S. P. Tuohy in association with The Perpetua Press, 2018. 250 copies printed in Monotype Bell on Zerkall mouldmade paper. Crown octavo, 187 x 122 mm. Pp. xiii, [25]. 28 plates, one folding, most from the orig. zinc line blocks. Printed by the Evergreen Press and bound by Ludlow Bookbinders. Red cloth. Gilt titles in Albertus Light. New. £35

Printed letterpress from the original process line blocks, discovered in the typographic collections of Wolpe's friend Vivian Ridler, used for the illustrations to Walter de la Mare, Collected Poems, 1942, and F. Le Mesurier, Sauces, French and English, 1947. With notes and an introduction by Steven Tuohy.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024


STEMPEL (D.) [Typefounders] Die Hauptprobe der Schriftgiesserei und Messinglinienfabrik D. Stempel. Frankfurt a. Main: [1927].

Thick 4to. 31 cm. Pp. xxviii, 1198 (irregularly paginated, with several alphabetical sub-series, 68a-q, etc.). Printed in black, gold and spot colours. Orig. half parchment, blue cloth sides, by the August Osterrieth bindery. Some minor marks to lower board but still an exceptionally well-preserved copy of this gargantuan type specimen published to celebrate the firm's thirtieth anniversary in 1925, but not finished until 1927. 'It is probably the most comprehensive collection of type faces, ornaments and specimen settings ever presented by a single company. At the same time, this vast volume is a museum of the typographical practice of the early twentieth century.' (Stempel, Chronik der Schriftgiesserei, 1955). Presentation bookplate. (NB 7.42 kg unpacked.) SOLD